Reloading Facilities
Don’t have your own Reloading Facilities ?
Save on your ammunition costs without the outlay. Come and use our equipment, and Pay only for what you use.
Reloading your own ammunition has many benefits. The 2 main being:-
Cost – Reloading costs can be as little as 25% of the cost of Factory Ammunition.
Accuracy – Reloading gives you the opportunity to tailor bullet and powder combinations to suit your Firearm, enabling you to get tighter groups than with Factory Ammunition.
“But it’s expensive to get set up” I hear you say, “I don’t know how”, and “the cost is high to bulk buy the components”.
No problem. Although legally we cannot reload ammunition for you, we can not only show you how to reload, ( We run a Reloading Course ), but
a) You can use our reloading facilities including the RCBS Chargemaster lite powder scale
b) You can buy just the quantity you want to reload. Pay for just the Primers, Powder and heads that you use.
c) Bring back your fired brass, we’ll clean and store it for you for next time.
Any Powder, any bullets.
We also offer a case cleaning service using the LEM Electromagnetic case cleaning system.
You can even HIRE our Magnospeed V3 Ballistic Chronograph to chrono your loads.